As defined under the Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984, any company that want to manufacture, import or wholesale any registered products need to have Manufacturer’s License, Import License or Wholesale License
Manufacturers are required to apply for a Manufacturer’s License in order to manufacture registered products in their premises and to sell by wholesale or supply the registered products.
Importers are required to apply for an Import License in order to import and sell by wholesale or supply registered products from their premises.
Wholesalers are required to apply for a Wholesaler’s License in order to sell by wholesale or supply registered products from their premises.
Additional list of License are issued based on the application submitted when the products are newly registered, changing of manufacturer or importer or any registered left out products from the products list of Manufacturer’s License and Import License.
In JasCal Management & Consultancy, we are providing the service of applying the abovementioned licenses as well as the additional list of license for registered products.